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Boards, Committees and Task Forces

IV. Boards and Standing Committees of Presbytery 

         Each board shall have at least two (ordained) ministers and at least two laypersons. The Committee on Probationers shall have at least five ordained ministers. The membership of all other boards and committees shall contain male and female, layperson and clergy, and representatives from as many different congregations as possible. The members of boards and standing committees shall (unless otherwise stated) be limited to three years. Persons may succeed themselves twice, for a total of not more than nine years of service. One year must lapse before a person is eligible to serve again on the same board or standing committee. The term of office shall run concurrently with the calendar year.

        All boards and standing committees have the responsibility to do the following.

1. Meet at least once a year;

    Give a copy of their report to the stated clerk-treasurer at least thirty days before each regular session of presbytery; and

3. Submit expenses of members for travel to the meetings, sending these to the stated clerk-treasurer and following in all cases the guidelines on travel expenses established by the Presbyterial Council.

4. Report the attendance of all members over the last year to the Presbytery Council so the Council may make recommendations to the September session of Presbytery for replacements.

From the "Standing Rules of Trinity Presbytery"

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